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*ALCHEMY OF THE 21ST CENTURY "Beauty of Aesthetic Imperfection" cd (12.00,-)
Field recordings, violin, citra, percussion, metal, glass, stones, water,... 14 tracks, half field recording, half studio live. Freak Animal Records.


*ARMON KUILU "armon kuilu" mcd (7.00,-)
"The first release from Totuuden Sarvi Levyt is a piece of Finnish art destined to remain in the minds of those who hear it. The debut mini-album by Armon Kuilu is a funereal musical journey. two long progressive compositions built out mostly of classical piano. strings. orchestral drums. singing. prayers and invocations in male and female voices. More of a gothic work than a total assault on the senses. yet one must remember that the word gothic is often abused in connotation with just a melancholic form of new age entertainment music but here the soundscapes bring to mind images of forlorn cemetaries. initiatory cults. bloodletting. woodlands and altered states of consciousness. At times the melodies of chamber music break out into squeals. groans and crackling which haunt the space and resonate with the Finnish poetry. that most of the time reminds one of a satanic ceremony. Some passages sound familiar to the listeners of European avantgarde and progressive music such as ACTUS. ART ZOYD and releases from the label Athanor. Post-industrial fans should also listen to this work but remember that this is not your generic so-called occult album with the usual Crowley spoken parts. Instead this is a deeply personal work with challenging classical and sometimes jazz or progressive melodies composed by the master behind the project and performed by real musicians with authentic instruments and also utilizing real actors for the various voices and spoken parts. Believe me. you will hear the difference. The mini-album comes in a black & white sleeve with a full color 8-page art booklet (size 7x7"). built from nature-mystical imagery shot on infrared film."


*ARSE "discography" cd (12.00,-)
This Finnish band triumphed shortly during 1992-1993, followed in footsteps of Sore Throat, Seven Minutes of Nausea and most of all, early ANAL CUNT! Live assaults and one "studio demo" is compiled to one nearly 50 minute CD! Test the limits of noisecore chaos you can take! Absolute must! Lolita Slavinder Records.



*BAPTISM "As The Darkness Enters" cd (7.00,-)
Since 1998 Baptism has casted its grim shadow over Finnish landscape. "Satanic Rituals" and "Sons Of Ruin & Terror" demo tapes were noticed by few. but already debut album "The Beherial Midnight" (NH 2002) was firm milestone marking their path of rise from depths of underground among widely praised elite of Finnish Black Metal. "Morbid Wings Of Sathanas" (NH 2005) and "Grim Arts Of Melancholy" (NH 2008) together with handful of smaller releases between major works made clear intent of Baptism is to go further. Each time sink into deeper levels of darkness. Baptism has continued their firm path of esoteric satanism and evading surrounding trends of genre. Not only remaining faithful to bands spirit. but perfecting it's musical representation. "As The Darkness Enters" (NH 2012) is logical step higher. where every element of band has gained strength. From writing of riffs. to composition and balance of sound. 2012 Baptism radiates the confidence of its mastermind to combine freezing melancholy. cold razor sharp fierce aggression. traditions of heavy black metal and atmospheric dark melodies. Blend it together in ways only Baptism can. therefore making it constantly harder and harder to point references to other bands. Comes in jewelbox. with 12 pages booklet including all the lyrics. Northern Heritage. sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7x8kLF554Y


*BAPTISM "Grim Arts of Melancholy" cd (7.00,-) RESTOCK
BAPTISM is known as one of the most reliable Finnish black metal acts with it´s instantly recognizable. yet deeply traditional. sort of puritanical "Eliterian" musical worship and esotericism. Referencing both older metal and a newly awakened purpose for a more extreme form of Luciferian art. BAPTISM´s work is always more than mere music - it´s a theistic black metal ceremony. As it is. "Grim Arts of Melancholy" stands as a natural continuation of the work BAPTISM initiated in the 90´s. Sargofagian´s articulated vocals unveil mysteries of a blackest nature in the foreground of a deeply darkened. almost insane. mostly mid-paced riffscape. which seems this time to have kept to a minimum the use of beautiful counterpointing of melodies. Old-school thrashing parts are captured amidst songs in their flight across godless depths. yet return to obscurity as soon as the listener is awakened from the morbid trance of a mid-paced minor key hammering. For most of the time the whole album sounds like one single extended ceremonial track dedicated to Azazel or some other force whose name is unknown to mankind. It achieves this atmosphere without using standard tricks such as extremely lo-fi production; in fact. this one probably has the clearest and most dynamic production BAPTISM ever had. It serves it´s purpose here to highlight the nature of the album as a sort of anti-symphony. a prayer. a clear vision of doom. The messages of BAPTISM´s "Grim Arts" are serious prophecies. not entertaining background music! 6 panel cover booklet including exclusive artwork and for the first time all lyrics printed also in CD version.



*CLANDESTINE BLAZE "Harmony Of Struggle" CD (7.00,-)
Clandestine Blaze 2013 album is another step widening the concepts started in previous albums. 40 minutes of pure Finnish Black Metal!


*DEATH CITADEL  "Bestial Antaumus" cd (7.00,-)
Finally CD of the cult recording from depth of Finnish black metal underground! Last Rites

*DISORDER OF DEADEIGHT "Depthsounder" CD (12.00,-)
Finnish project (featuring both members of Mörkö. connections to Jumalhämärä. etc...) has created wide variety of different material. which none really gives accurate hints about what this particular album is about. Minimalistic progressive process-orientated rock music from the wobbly wonderland of human psyche. Only electric guitar and analogue synth is present from more regular rock instruments. Abundance of various other instruments. Epic and massive tracks. Entire material can be heard for free on their bandcamp site. This is second release of TotuudenSarviLevyt.



*EXORDIUM "In Wrath Principle" cd (7.00,-)
Debut full length. Known from 10"/mCD. 7". live tape. V/A Crushing The Holy Trinity. but in first album Exordium is stronger than ever! Fast and aggressive black metal from Finland! NORTHERN HERITAGE


*EXORDIUM "s/t" mcd (5.00,-)
intro + 3 songs in 24 minutes. Previously been released by NH as 10" vinyl, limited 400 copies and sold out long ago. CD version is re-mastered with louder and clearer drums. Booklet with lyrics and lay-out following the dark style of original 10" version. Raw, but well played black metal ! See their interview in NH#3 zine! Northern Heritage.


*GRUNT "europe after storm" cd (12.00,-)
2012 Industrial Recollections/Force Majeure version of this CD originally released by Force Majeure. Now jewelbox packaging. but will all same artworks as the original fold-out poster cover! Late 90's Grunt with studio and live materials. New pressing.

*GRUNT "petturien rooli" cd (12.00,-)
Freak Animal is proud to present new full length CD of Grunt! Recorded between 2007-2009. making it longest recording task of project so far. Presenting some of the new sides of Grunt. but with the touch known from before. Album contains no harsh noise. but is innovative mixture of fierce power electronics with echoes of early 80´s Ramleh & Sutcliffe Jugend. mixed with experimental organic noise influences a´la Organum. Ferial Confine. to heavy dominant euro PE/industrial attacks to rhythic elements and metal percussions linking towards Vivenza. Test Dept and Militia. Exclusively Finnish language lyrics and samples. with themes related to history of Finland since early turbulent years of civil war to post WWII atmosphere. 64 minutes with 9 songs presenting wide variety of moods. sound sources. compositions. approaches. blended into album that could be said unique even in extensive Grunt discography! Packaged in jewelbox with b/w artwork. Freak Animal 049


*GRUNT "World Draped In A Camouflage" cd (7.00,-)
Since "Petturien Rooli" CD (2009). there has not been much else than re-issues. live materials and few compilation tracks by Grunt. It certainly have not meant anything else than preparation for the new full length assault. 10 tracks abuse diverse approaches. from tape manipulation. crushing loops. classical instruments. deep tones. concrete sounds. dry sonic elements stripped to be bone as well as multi-layers complex compositions. Grunt pours in loads of different sound elements. different sound qualities and experimentation. yet from other end of meatgrinder emerges the solid mix of ugly power electronics in form of "World Draped In A Camouflage". CD with 12 pages booklet including all lyrics and artwork. LP comes out late october!! Freak Animal.



*HATE CRIME "live" cd (12.00,-)
legendary Finnish group from Helsinki. Great sounding live recording with own tracks + covers of Skrewdriver, Fortress and Celtic Warrior. Sakaramiina Levyt.


*INCRIMINATED "death noize" mCD (5.00,-)
Some copies left. Link to sample added. the ugliest and nastiest old school metal of death!! For woshippers of filth. The best possible ending for the band to retire at the highest moments of their career. Previously 10” vinyl now also as mCD! Northern Heritage NH-061


*IRRITATE "ten stabs of demented violence" cd (12.00,-)
death metal finland


*KOLP "The Covered Pure Permanence" cd (12.00,-)
Kolp is created to represent permanent death in a sonic way. The raw, unstoppable decease. Where change has no meaning, only the pure permanence exists. The heaviest hammer is striking from the doomy Hungary!

*KOOZAR "Koozar / Bangi Vanz Abdul" cd (12.00,-)
Legendary Recur. The Black Metal KOOZER by Kozima of Gorugoth. Bilateral work with Modern Magic Man of Action "Bangi V. Abdul". "Chaos Summon" Magic Soundscap, "The illegal pledge" of a scorching harsh noise and jet-black roaring....


*KORPSE "Mirror Distance" cd (12.00,-)
Collection of classic demo,EP and studio out takes for fans of old Autopsy and Voi Vod! The band released two albums in the mid 90´s on Candlelight Records. Aphelion Prod

*KOZELJNIK "sigil rust" cd (12.00,-)

*KRIEGSMASCHINE "prism: Archive 2002-2004" cd (12.00,-)
Collection of old Kriegsmaschine material collected



*MARTIN BLADH "dirge; the peter sotos files" cd (7.00,-)
Martin Bladh of IRM with samples & spoken word from author Peter Sotos. Freak Animal Records



*N.I.L. "" cd (12.00,-)
Krieg members

*NEW ARRIVALS "click link below to enter new store" (1.00,-)
Here will not be new arrivals listed. New store Store is being slowly manually updated to include all material of this previous list remains here but is slowly moved to new site. Moving entire catalogue from old site to new one will take plenty of time. We urge to order from new catalogue, but if something is not listed there yet, feel free to drop email like before and we'll deal with order. Automatic webstore orders ship instantly. If you order via email, there may be some delays in replying.



*PAHUUS "pahuuden voitto" mcd (5.00,-)
FIN Total d-beat hardcore punk in the lines of Discharge, Mellakka and Kuro. 6 songs in 15 minutes

*PHLEGEIN "silver veins" cd (7.00,-)
The time has come to reveal Phlegeins first full length recording. CD is out now (1.2.2013) and black vinyl LP and shirt will be out early march. For those who have felt the power of previous mCD/10"/tape and 7". album will provide further experience. following their established style. yet still darker. heavier and thicker approach. Album is filled with nearly 46 minutes of authentic Finnish Black Metal without compromise. Listen "Lost Ancient Echoes" and "Layers of Torment" from the album at the discography page (link to official site). NH-081



*SCENT OF DEATH "Of Martyr´s Agony and Hate" LP (12.00,-)
Fast. dark yet technical Death Metal in the vein of Immolation. old Morbid Angel etc...

*SKULLFUCK "The Supreme Ugliness" cd (12.00,-)
primitive death metal.

*SPLINTERED "Turned Inside Out" 2xCD (15.00,-)
Collection of rare. demo. unreleased. singles.... See video trailer for information. tracklist & sound sample! http://totuudensarvi.tumblr.com/



*ULVEGR "The Call of Glacial Emptiness" cd (12.00,-)
second album of Ulvegr


*ULVHEDNER "for i tida" cd (12.00,-)

*ULVHEDNER / GALDRER  "split" cd (12.00,-)
Ulvhedner play raw, majestic Black/Viking Metal in the old vein and Galdrer perform pure Trollish Black/Viking Metal exclusively. The result is a killer split for fans of the more melodic kind of Northern Black Metal

*UMBRA NIHIL "the borderland rituals" cd (12.00,-)

*UNDOR "I" cd (12.00,-)
extreme black metal by BILSKIRNIR side project. Reminding early days of ABRUPTUM. Low, sick and horrid black metal torture on border of todays crudest doom/free form music leanings. Bestial Burst


*V.E.G.A. "cocaine" cd (12.00,-)
black metal. debemur morti


*V/A ""...FOR ALL HATE IN MAN#8" cd (12.00,-)

Lolita Slavinder unleashes the long awaited compilation of Finnish noisecore!! NIHILIST COMMANDO presents the nihilo noisecore in bands finest tradition. NUCLEAR VOICE reeks the south american DT/Reh damage with hints of Necropussy or Hellnoise. A.N.H. still reminds their early 90's sound. but with additional influence of Deche-Charge at their best. TUHO wrestles in dirty basement. BEIP screams out total pussy core. From NOISE WASTE archives was found unreleased recording of ultra chaotic vocal storm and instrument distorter. ANAL KEG unreleased demo 2006 in it's full glory. AUNT MARY returns with fresh material from 2011. with nasty and fierce sound. making their comeback 7" sound like Toto. FUNERAL MONGOLOIDS. fast and furious. retarded noisecore in at its best. S.E.X. is like Tokyo Anal Dynamite era Gerogerigegege with throatier vocals. YESMEANSYES finishes this 60 minutes compilation with their best live recording ever. full of energy. 12 pages booklet and inlay. (Note that release date 14.9. Will be shipped then.)


*V/A "TO MAGIC 2" cd (12.00,-)
Orplid, Tenhi, Dornenreich, Bethlehem, Empyrium, Of the wand and the moon, In the woods... more!